Board Advocacy
Effective Date: May 2014
Revision Date: June 2022
Next Year of Review: 2026
The Bruce County Public Library Board builds community awareness of the importance and value of the library and its services. The Board also ensures that funding bodies fully understand the important role which the Library plays in the community. Through its advocacy work, the Board seeks to promote the profile of the library and enhance its importance to the community. This policy sets out the advocacy responsibilities of the Board.
- The Library Board Chairperson (or delegate) or the Chief Executive Officer (or delegate) shall be the official spokesperson for the Bruce County Public Library on advocacy issues, depending upon availability and the nature of the issue.
- The Board will determine the Bruce County Public Library Services position on any particular issue as well as any actions it may choose to take.
- In pursuing its advocacy activities, the Board shall work collaboratively with staff to:a) ensure that County Council and administration fully understand the important role played by the library in the community.
b) present funding requirements to Council.
c) participate regularly in activities that build relationships with individuals and organizations that share interests with those of the Bruce County Public Library.
d) identify and respond to issues, concerns and government policies that may directly or indirectly affect the Bruce County Public Library and ensure that government decision-makers at all levels are aware of the value of the library and its benefit to individuals and to the community. - Individual Board members will not initiate advocacy activities without the support and consent of the Bruce County Library Board, but all members are encouraged to:a) Share their role as a Library Board member and the work it entails with family, friends, and acquaintances. b) Be an Ambassador for Bruce County Public Library and encourage people to use the Library and its resources.
c) Share stories and relevant information about library programs, services, and impact.
d) Like and share the Library’s social media posts in accordance with our Social Media Policy.
e) Promote the Library’s Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan.
Related Documents:
Bruce County Public Library – Social Media Policy
Bruce County Public Library – Duties and Responsibilities of Individual Board Members