Board Orientation
Effective Date: March 2017
Revision Date: April 2021
Next Year of Review: 2025
The orientation of new members is necessary in order for there to be a common and shared understanding of the authority and role of the library board. This policy sets out the requirements for board orientation.
- Board members shall be given a thorough orientation within two months of their appointment to the library board.
- The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the board chair shall be responsible for developing an agenda to provide an orientation which shall include, but not be limited to:a) information on the library’s vision, mission and values
b) an overview of the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P44 and where to find it online
c) an overview of the board bylaws and governance policies
d) a discussion on the purpose, structure, and function of the library board
e) a tour of the library headquarters and an introduction to employees and services - Each board member will receive:
a) information on where to find current policies on the Bruce County Public Library website
b) the library’s current planning document
c) a copy and overview of the annual business plan and the current budget
d) an application for library membership
e) current Board documents from the Ontario Library Service and Ontario Library Board’s Association - Board members will receive training on the accessibility standards set out in the Regulations of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act, including training on the Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities
Related Documents
Integrated Accessibility Standards, Ontario Regulation 191/11
Policy: Operational – Accessibility 2020