Fundraising -- Partnerships and Sponsorships

Effective Date:  September 2017
Revision Date:  March 2023
Next Year of Review:  2025

Bruce County Public Library (BCPL) recognizes that public funding is the principal and most important source of funding for library service in Bruce County. Publicly funded libraries can and do pursue supplementary funding to enhance services to their communities.

The Bruce County Public Library welcomes a broad base of support from various sources, including the business community, service clubs and other organizations to fulfill its mission. This policy sets out the requirements for partnerships and sponsorships

Section 1:  Guiding Principles

  1. The library negotiates partnerships with, and accepts support from, the business community and organizations to benefit them while enabling the library to better achieve its mission without compromising its principles. The library recognizes that companies support the library not only out of a desire to be good community members, but also with a hope of a return or benefit to the company.
  2. Bruce County Public Library does not accept any kind of support or partner with any organization that produces goods or services that the Board considers harmful or illegal for certain members of the community.
  3. The library does not accept any kind of support from or partner with any company or organization that, in the judgment of the Library Board, exploits certain members of the community in its product lines, advertising, marketing, and workforce or in any other way.
  4. The library always maintains an independent position on issues and concerns.
  5. The library accepts support for collections, programs and services only when the content is to be determined by the library. Sponsorships will not impact the policies, practices, or priorities of Bruce County Public Library
  6. The library does not accept any support that implies or requires endorsements of products or services.

Section 2:  Terms of Acceptance

  1. Acceptance of support will take the form of a written agreement signed by representatives of the sponsoring organization and Bruce County Public Library’s CEO/Director or an authorized library designate. This agreement will define the terms of the sponsorship and any recognition to be provided to the sponsor.
  2. sponsorship agreements valued at $25,000 or more shall be presented to the Library Board for approval. Sponsorship agreements valued at less than $25,000 may be approved by the CEO and will be reported to the Board.
  3. The library board reserves the right to terminate an existing sponsorship should conditions arise during the life of the sponsorship that result in it conflicting with this policy, or if the sponsorship no longer supports the best interests of the library.
  4. The right to refuse and/or terminate corporate contributions extends to support of third-party fundraising for which the proceeds are designated to benefit the library.
  5. The Library will ensure that the confidentiality of its records is maintained and will not sell or provide access to customer records in accordance with applicable Library policies and legislation.
  6. The Library may approve special fundraising ventures which it deems suitable in fulfilling its mission, values, goals and objectives, and which will not compromise the Library's public image. All funds raised will be used for the stated purposes and established priorities of the fundraising program as determined by the Library.
  7. Use of funds raised and fundraising operating expenses will be in accordance with Revenue Canada Taxation guidelines and every effort will be made to maximize dollars raised in relationship to dollars spent.

Recognition of Support

  1. Recognition for major corporate support will be developed in cooperation with the donor consistent with the level of support and the library’s mission and purpose. Recognition will be meaningful for both the supporting companies and the library. There will be no official donor recognition until the Library has received the donation or a signed donor contract and first instalment.
  2. The library’s intangible intellectual assets, including its name and likeness, will be protected at all times. Partners will not be permitted to use the library’s name for commercial purposes or in connection with the promotion of any product. Corporate names or logos will not have prominence over the Bruce County Public Library name or logo
  3. Official receipts for tax purposes will be issued as appropriate and according to Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, following the County of Bruce Policy: Donations.
  4. Donor recognition programs for special fundraising initiatives, such as capital campaigns, will be developed as a part of the campaigns.
  5. The formal recognition of government grants or partners is normally dictated by the terms of the grant or agreement and may include the inclusion of government or partners’ logos in print or electronic publications relating to the grant or agreement.
  6. The Library will respect the wishes of any donors wishing to remain anonymous.
  7. All records pertaining to established and potential donors will be held confidentially and in accordance with relevant legislation and Library policies.

Section 4:  Canadian Library Association Policy Endorsement

  1. The Bruce County Public Library Board endorses the following position statement:

Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothèques Position Statement on Corporate Sponsorship Agreement in Libraries Approved by Executive Council ~ June 21, 1997
Libraries enrich lives, provide information needed for work and daily living, and foster informed communities which are essential to a democratic society. In recognition of this important function, communities support libraries through public funding. The library's first priority is to ensure the continuation and growth of this primary relationship -- public funding for the public good.
CLA encourages and supports advocacy to maintain and develop public funding as the principal source of support for public, school, academic and government libraries.
Publicly funded libraries can and do explore other sources of funding, such as grants, gifts, donations, partnerships and sponsorships, to ensure that they provide the best possible services to their communities. Corporate sponsorships are one source of additional support that allows libraries to enhance the level, extend the range, or improve the quality of library service.
To ensure that partnerships enhance the library's image and add value to library services, libraries need to develop policies and sponsorship agreements that outline the conditions and the benefits of the sponsorship arrangement.
CLA believes that the following principles are important in developing sponsorship policies and agreements. Libraries have a responsibility to:

  1. demonstrate that sponsors further the library's mission, goals, objectives and priorities, but do not drive the library's agenda or priorities.
  2. safeguard equity of access to library services and not allow sponsorship agreements to give unfair advantage to, or cause discrimination against, sectors of the community.
  3. protect the principle of intellectual freedom and not permit sponsors to influence the selection of collections, or staff advice and recommendations about library materials, nor require endorsement of products or services.
  4. ensure the confidentiality of user records by not selling or providing access to library records.
  5. be sensitive to the local political and social climate and select partners who will enhance the library's image in the community.

Related Documents:

Bruce County Public Library, OP Collection Development Policy
County of Bruce Policy: Donations