Planning Policy

Effective Date:  August 2014
Revision Date:  June 2022
Next Year of Review:  2026

The board shall maintain an effective planning process for the library in order to fulfill its mandate under the Public Libraries Act, RSO 1990, c. P44, s.20 (a): “A board shall seek to provide, in co-operation with other boards, a comprehensive and efficient public library service that reflects the community’s unique needs”. This policy establishes a formal planning process.
The planning process ensures that:
a. the vision of the Library Board is realized.
b. the library is able to respond to changing needs and trends in the community.
c. key decision makers are aware of the Library’s contributions to the community and make a long-term commitment to library services.
d. services available elsewhere in the community are not unnecessarily duplicated.
e. library funds are responsibly expended in a deliberate and accountable manner.
f. continuity of services is maintained regardless of personnel changes in the Board or staff.

Public Consultation

To maintain awareness of community needs and expectations, the public will be consulted on a regular basis. Community consultation methods may include any or all of the following: surveys, community leader interviews, focus group interviews, and public forums.

The Strategic Planning Process

The Bruce County Public Library Board’s Strategic Plan will be developed in consultation with Board, staff and the general public on a five-year cycle or whatever life cycle is deemed appropriate. The Plan will contain the Board’s Vision, Mission Statement and priorities. Strategic directions, objectives, actions and timelines will be formulated in consideration of demographic, political and financial trends, County priorities, and Ministry guidelines.

Related Documents

Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P44