Community Information and Exhibits Policy

Effective Date:  May 2014
Revision Date:  December 2024
Next Year of Review:  2026


The Bruce County Public Library makes available information on community activities, agencies, and organizations to facilitate access to resources within the community and as a partner in promoting community services and events. The library encourages the display of bulletins, brochures, and posters regarding events in order that residents can fully participate in community activities.

Bruce County Public Library also provides space in some branches and/or online to exhibit artwork, collections, or other items of interest.

This policy sets out the types of information suitable for collecting, displaying, and distributing in the library.

This policy outlines the process BCPL utilizes to provide space for exhibits in library branches as well as online.


This policy applies to all staff and library users.
1: Community Information Collection and Services

a. The library will collect and keep current information on the services of community agencies and organizations. This may include up-to-date information on:
i. municipal services
ii. community groups
iii. educational organizations
iv. health and social services agencies and
v. recreation and cultural institutions

b. The library will provide easy, convenient, and confidential access to information on agencies and organizations. This access may be through print or electronic resources.

c. The library staff will be knowledgeable about community agencies and organizations and capable of referring people appropriately and in a sensitive manner.

d. Customer confidentiality will be respected at all times.

2: Community Information (Brochures and Posters)

a. The Library will make available space to display materials about community activities and events. These may be in the form of a poster, brochure, or pamphlet.

b. The display of material does not constitute an endorsement of any group.

c. The Library reserves the right to determine the suitability of display materials and may decline to display based on size, production quality or if listed below under unacceptable materials.

d. The library staff will place, post, and remove all materials on the bulletin boards and in the brochure racks.

e. Materials will be accepted on a space available basis using the following priorities:
i. notices of library programs, events, activities, and services
ii. notices of community interest from the local municipality and agencies.
iii. notices of cultural, educational, and recreational events

f. All materials become the property of the Bruce County Public Library Board and the library will dispose of materials as it sees fit.

3: Information Displays

a. The Library permits information displays. Information displays must not be for commercial, religious, or political purposes and are subject to available space.

b. The Library reserves the right to refuse a request for an information display, or to request an organization to staff the display.

c. Requests for display space can be made to the Library Supervisor at least two weeks before the desired date. Requests for display space at multiple branches can be made to the Library Director or designate.

d. Displays will be booked on a first come, first served basis.

e. Displays will be booked for a maximum of three days unless otherwise approved by the Library Director.

f. The Library will provide a dedicated space and chairs for the display.

g. Groups will not be permitted to sell items or solicit donations from staff or the public.

h. The Library is not responsible for items on display or the safe return of materials.

4. Exhibits

Exhibits selected for display in-branch or online must meet the following criteria:
a. Be compatible with Bruce County Public Library’s Mission, Goals, and Strategic Plan
b. Be consistent with the principle of respect for the dignity and worth of all people
c. Be responsive to the diverse interests of the community.
d. Be suitable for display for a diverse audience, including children, and support a welcoming environment
e. Original work
f. Suitable in scale, material, form, subject, and content for the library environment.
g. All exhibited items must be approved by the Bruce County Public Library.
h. Bruce County Public Library reserves the right to refuse to display any items considered to be inappropriate or unsuitable for the library environment.

5: Unacceptable Materials

The library will not display or distribute:
a. materials that contravene the Ontario Human Rights Code, federal or provincial laws and regulations
b. materials whose primary focus is partisan or political in nature, however political materials may be eligible when it announces meetings and forums for discussion of community issues.
c. faith-based materials whose primary purpose is the promotion of faith, however events sponsored by local religious groups may be displayed.
d. materials advertising and promoting commercial products or services.
e. personal ads and notices including notices of items for sale or rent.
f. multiple copies of the same posting on the bulletin board

6: Sales

The Library does not allow the sale of tickets or other promotional materials from or on behalf of organizations except for Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Day poppy sales. Sales may be permitted at library programs or events subject to approval in advance from the Library Director/CEO.

7: Accountability

Requests to display or distribute materials in the Library will be handled in a fair and consistent manner. Decisions to refuse distribution or display of materials may be appealed in writing to the Library Director.

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