Board Composition Bylaw

Effective Date: November 2012
Revision Date: May 2022
Next Year of Review: 2026

Where required, the board adheres to the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P44 as it relates to its composition.  The purpose of this bylaw is to guide the council’s appointment process and the board’s appointment of its officers.


  1. While the Public Libraries Act, s. 9(1) prescribes a board of no fewer than 5 members and gives the municipal council the power to make appointments, the Bruce County Library Board endorses a board that consist of at least 5, and no more than 9 members.
  2. In accordance with the Public Libraries Act, s. 10(4), County Council will appoint board members as new at the first meeting of council in each term. 
  3. In accordance with the Public Libraries Act, s. 10 (2b), County Council shall not appoint more of its own members to the board that is a bare majority of the board.
  4. In accordance with the Public Libraries Act, s. 10 (3), a board member shall hold office for a term concurrent with the term of the appointing council, or until a successor is appointed.
  5. The Warden shall ex-officio be a member of the Board and be entitled to vote thereon.
  6. A board member may be re-appointed for one or more terms.
  7. Where non-elected individuals are appointed the appointment term will correspond to the term of office of the Council.
  8. A member seeking re-appointment must follow the same process of application for consideration as for new candidates to the board.
  9. In accordance with the Public Libraries Act, s. 13, if any members of the board are disqualified from holding office, the members shall forthwith declare the seat vacant and notify council accordingly. 
  10. In accordance with the Public Libraries Act, s.12, when a vacancy arises in the membership of the board, the County Council shall promptly appoint a person to fill the vacancy and to hold the office for the unexpired term, except where the unexpired term is less than forty-five days. The new appointment’s term will be concurrent with the term of the board.


  1. In accordance with the Public Libraries Act, s. 14-15, the officers of the board are the chair, the secretary, the treasurer, and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
  2. In addition, the board designates a vice-chair as an officer. In the absence of the chair, the vice-chair will act as chair in accordance with section 14(4) of the Public Libraries Act.
  3. A board shall elect one of its members as chair at its first meeting in a new term, in accordance with section 14(3) of the Public Libraries Act.
  4. The vice chair shall be elected at the first meeting in a new term.
  5. The board appoints the CEO, who will be secretary as allowed by the Public Libraries Act, s. 15(5).
  6. The Treasurer of the County of Bruce is the Board Treasurer.  The Treasurer is responsible for the maintenance of accurate financial records and payroll. The Treasurer will disburse the money as the board directs the CEO through its budget and resolutions. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s.15(4). Financial statements are prepared by the County auditor and approved by the Board each year.
  7. If any of the officers step down, retires or is dismissed during his/her term, the board must immediately elect or appoint a new officer.

Related Documents

Bruce County Public Library Bylaw – Terms of Reference of the Officers
Bruce County Public Library Bylaw – Meetings of the Board
Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c P44