3D Printers

Branches are offering one-on-one and group sessions to introduce the basics of 3D printing and how you can use the library’s 3D printers. Fill out the form below or contact a branch directly for more information.

3D Printer Calendar and Locations

October – December: Southampton, Walkerton and Tobermory
January – March: Lion’s Head, Sauble Beach, and Kincardine Branches
April – June: Mildmay, Port Elgin, and Chesley Branches
July – September: Walkerton, Southampton, and Lucknow Branches
October – December: Paisley, Ripley and Tobermory Branches

Visit any branch to complete our public 3d printer certification to book individual time on a 3D printer. Take the course on a library computer, pass the quiz, and you’ll be able to book 3D printer time at any branch currently hosting one.

3D Printer: Information request form

Branch staff will be in touch by phone or e-mail.

  • If willing to travel, please choose branch you will be traveling to.

Become a Member

If you are a Bruce County Resident, you can become a member free of charge by completing a library card application at any of our 17 Branch Library locations.

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