Interlibrary Loan Request Form

Bruce County Public Library’s Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service allows library members to borrow library materials not available in our library system from other public libraries across Ontario. There is no guarantee that we will be able to fulfil every ILL request.


Who can submit an Interlibrary Loan request?

The Interlibrary Loan Service is available to any Bruce County Library cardholder.

How many items can I request?

Patrons may have up to three (3) Interlibrary Loan requests at one time.

What can I request?

Items eligible for Interlibrary Loan include books, audiobooks and DVDs that over one year old. Other materials are not eligible.

Items in BCPL’s collection cannot be requested through Interlibrary Loan.

How do I request an Item?

You can submit a request online or contact your local library branch.

For details on how to submit your request online, please view ILL Instructions

What happens after I submit my Request?

You will be notified by telephone or e-mail when the material is available for pickup at your designated branch library.

You will have 7 days to pick up your Interlibrary Loan.

How long can I keep my Request(s)?

Interlibrary Loan items have a 3-week loan period.

Staff may be able to provide a 1-week extension. Please ask staff at your local branch.

Patrons who do not return their ILL materials on time may have their ILL privileges suspended